Holy Mass and Prayer Services at the Tomb on all Thursdays at 11.30 a.m..

The death anniversary is celebrated on may 23, every year. The novena in preparation for it starts on may 14. During the Novena days Holy Mass is offered at 6.15 a.m. followed by adoration till 12.30 p.m. and solemn Holy Mass and message at 3 p.m followed by Novena prayer .

On May 23,there is Holy Mass and prayers at 6 a.m.. Solemn Holy Mass , Exhortation and Novena prayer at 10 a.m. followed by the distribution Sradha meals .

Intercessary Prayer

" O! Jesus,Eternal Priest,we adore you who made an oblation of yourself to the Father for the salvation of mankind. Grant we beseech you,that Rev.Fr.Mathew who dedicated himself and the religious congregation he founded to your sacred Heart that is aflame with unquenchable zeal for the salvation of souls, be raised to the honours of the alter,if it is for your greater glory.

Instil in us burning divine love, deep faith, apostolic zeal, sanctity of life, and devotion to the sacred Heart which were aglow in the heart of Rev.Fr.Mathew who worked untiringly to fulfill his pastoral duties, working hard to promote education and to serve the destitute. Help us to follow his good example. Grant us this special favour………

which we ask through the intercession of Rev.Fr.Mathew Kadalikkattil and glorify your humble servant. Bless aboundantly everyone of us and the instituion he founded for your glory and for the salvation of souls. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."

1. Our father... 1.Hail mary... 1. Glory be...

Venerable Fr. mathew, Pray for us.