In all his writings namely the rules and regulations compiled by Fr. Mathew for the use of the sisters of Sacred Heart congregation and the letters to the Bishops, sisters and friends he reveals his profound faith in the divine providence and his unconditional surrender to the will of God manifested mainly through the will of superiors and the circumstances of life. He always found God in superiors and in their orders whatever their competence be. His maxim was "If it is the will of God" or "if God so inspires you". For all his writings his main advice to the sisters and others is 'submit gladly to the will of God'.

He never gave up hope even when his life boat was tossed about in the turbulant ocean of sorrows.

An intense love for God filled his entire being and found its expression in his tender love for the neighbour and selfless service for the uplift of the poor, the sick, the orphans and destitute.